
It has come to our attention that there is a fake Telegram account pretending to be our company. We are not on Telegram ourselves, so anyone on Telegram claiming to be us will be a scammer.
Network updates at our Oxfordshire site are now complete.
This month we are upgrading network connections at our Oxfordshire based Didcot office. This should provide additional upload capacity for our clients. There may be some short term issues as we move things over, but we will be staggering the migration and diverting customers to or Cheltenham facility to keep the change over as smooth as possible.
Our main registration forms have recently been updated to provide better support for mobile devices.
We have just added a guide on how to write cease and desist letters for copyright infringement. The guide includes example letters that you can adapt for your own purposes.
It has been brought to our attention that some people are confusing our service with another site that has very bad reviews. Please be assured that we have no association with the site in question.
Our Cheltenham base is moving to a new location this month.
We are aware of a number of recent denial of service attacks targeting our systems. We apologise for any site outages during recent days, and have increased system capacity and added additional services to hopefully avoid future issues.
We have updated the way we produce duplicate works. All duplicate works now include a verifiable digitally signed manifest to allow more thorough independent verification. We have also added a digital download option that can be used instead/as well as the traditional postal delivery methods.
We have been alerted to a number of scam emails claiming to be from us about infringement claims. If you have received a suspicious email, do not download/open any links within it.
We are pleased to anounce the launch of our new and improved file uploader for online copyright registrations and registration updates.
New page: How to create TAR files. If you have a lot of files to upload then we recommend creating a zip or tar archive containing all the files. Users of Unix base operating systems such as Mac and Linux, tar or tar/gzip may be a more familiar archive format than zip.
Unfortunately there is additional strike action planned by Royal Mail staff between now and Christmas. This will inevitably lead to postal delays and lost mail. We ask for your patience and understanding during this period and advise using online services instead where possible.
Royal Mail is expecting strikes by postal staff on 30 September and 1 October 2022. This may adversely affect delivery times and reliability of postal deliveries.
Monday September 19th 2022 is the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and has been declared a bank holiday in the UK. We will be on reduce staffing on that day, but will try to keep on top of customer submissions and enquiries as far as possible.
Article looking at the role and evolution of copyright registration in the UK.
Christmas & New Year working hours, processing times and postal delivery dates.
Article explaining how licensing and royalties work.
Current status and measures taken in relation of the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
Our latest fact sheet looks at registering scientific papers, and other research documents.
Our latest fact sheet discusses copyright registration of music, songs and sound recordings and has some advice to save money.
Royal Mail have advised that services to Europe have been reopened and are now fully operational.
Royal Mail has temporarily suspended all mail services to Europe, with the exception of the Republic of Ireland. We are keeping the situation under close and constant review.
Our updated fact sheet for photographers explains copyright ownership and registration, the importance of contracts, the use of copyright notices and model release forms.
Our latest article 'A brief history of copyright' looks at the origins of copyright. From its roots in Greek, Roman and Jewish cultures, through the rise of movable type and the spread of the printing press, and up to the adoption of international conventions harmonising protection between countries.
New page: How to create ZIP files. If you have a lot of files to upload then we recommend creating a zip archive containing all the files.
Announcing the release of a new ‘how to’ page dealing at company logos, looking a logos from creation to long term protection. Hopefully this will be helpful to new companies and people looking to set up a new business.
We have just added a guide explaining how to add a semi-transparent watermark / copyright notice to photos and other images.
We have just published two new fact sheets covering video copyright. One deals with copyright and legal issues affecting filmmakers, the other specifically looks at YouTube and its infringement policies.
If you are worried about expiring registrations and need more time to pay for your renewal, please get in touch - we will be happy to wait a bit longer.
What changes will Brexit bring to UK copyright law at the end of the transition period.
The new site is designed to be more accessible and mobile device friendly.
Following on from the UK government’s acceptance of the Hargreaves report (which we commented on in August 2011), the proposed changes are now part of UK law.
Previously we applied charges to clients submitting online where they uploaded more than 10MB in a submission.
It has been brought to our attention that there are a number of scam letters circulating at the moment threatening legal action that claim to have been sent by the UKCS.
In a press conference, hosted at the British Library, the government has announced its acceptance of the findings of the Hargreaves report and has released its plans to revise intellectual property legislation.
We are aware that a denial of service attack on our systems has been inaccurately reported in the press.
Sponsorship and support of the Daffodil Theatre Awards.
On the 3rd March 2009, we were approached by the British Library to ask for help in promoting the free online intellectual property courses launched by the British Library Business & IP Centre.
We are pleased to announce that we are now able to accept International Maestro for online payments.
We have just completed a major upgrade of our public network connectivity that has greatly increased in the capacity of all our public services.
'3D Secure' adds another level of online security
More services go online - Online ordering and registration renewal/extension
Launch of registered notice labels for new and existing clients. These labels are sheets of small self adhesive labels (46mm x 11mm) that state that your work is registered and the registration number, these can be affixed to your work as an extra deterrent against copyright infringement. These sheets are A4 in size and contain 84 labels.
Copyright owners can now pay by American Express
Following on from the recent announcement of their online copyright registration facility, the UK Copyright Service have now launched a new facility, which allows copyright owners to lodge updates to their registrations at a reduced rate, via their web site.
The UK Copyright Service / Copyright Witness has announced the launch of its long awaited online registration service for copyright works.
From the 1st of August 2004, the UK Copyright Service is to allow existing clients to lodge updates to existing registrations at a reduced rate.
28th May 2004 sees the launch of the new UK Copyright Service web site, which now offers visitors more copyright information and copyright protection advice than ever before.
6th April 2004 sees the first day of trading for Copyright Witness, which is set to become the international face of the UK Copyright Service.
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