Registration notes for postal applications

  1. Copyright registration fees

    The current charges for postal applications are £61.00 for 5 years or £95.00 for 10 years per work.

    Media types that involve additional processing will also incur an additional fee to cover the extra time involved in processing these types of works. Please see our registration format pages for details on accepted media types and fees.

  2. Accepted media formats
    CD or DVD

    Blu-ray (BD) disc
    USB Flash drive or USB SSD
    Paper - incuding photographs, transparencies and prints.

    Please see the postal registration format information page for conditions and guidance on all media types accepted for registration.

  3. Charges and limits

    The standard charges include submissions of CD, DVD or BD discs, or USB Flash stick containing up to 10GB (10240MB) of data, or paper documents, photos or fabric samples up to 20 pages A4/Letter/Foolscap size

    1. Paper documents over 20 pages:
      A £5 GBP processing fee will apply for each 100 pages (or part thereof) over 20 pages.
      i.e. for 21-120 pages add £5, for 121-220 pages add £10, for 221-320 pages add £15, etc.

    2. Documents over A4/Letter size:
      A £5 GBP processing fee is added to cover the additional processing requirements of larger formats.

    3. Data over 10GB on CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc/USB SSD/USB Flash drive:
      Where the total electronic data in a submission exceeds 10GB, a £10 GBP processing fee will apply for each 10GB (or part thereof) over 10GB.
      i.e. for 10-20GB add £10, for 20-30GB add £20, etc.

      The preferred formats for postal submissions are CD, DVD or USB drive.

  4. Notes, exceptions and allowances
    • Registering a collection of works under one title:
      Where a number of items form a larger collective work, you may register all parts together as a single ‘work’.
      For example: A web site and artwork. A music album, lyrics and midi files. A single collection of poems.
      In such cases, the work is registered as one item, with one title; this does not affect the copyright of the work in any way, but please ensure this is suitable for your needs.
      Please note: As copyright exists under the name of the author or company/commissioner of the work, work by different authors, organisations or collaborations need be registered separately.
    • Electronic documents with unusual fonts or images
      If you are registering electronic documents, (e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, etc.), ensure that any graphic files are included or embedded in the documents. Also ensure that any custom fonts are embedded, or use standard fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman.
    • Extracts, quotes etc.
      If your work includes some parts which are not your own creation, it may still be possible to register provided you either have permission to use the work, and enclose proof of written permission from the copyright owner of the parts in question, (a photocopy will suffice), or remove any parts that are not your own creation from the copy for registration.
    • Outstanding disputes
      This service provides evidence in case of future infringement. It will not assist if ownership of the work is already in dispute.
  5. Privacy statement

    UK Copyright Service maintain a strict privacy policy. Any information submitted will only be used in the function of providing, maintaining and monitoring the service. All client details and registered work details will be considered confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party without prior consent. Details of our privacy and security policies..

Application form

For postal applications, you will need to complete the application form F-01, which must be sent along with a full copy of your work and payment.

The form can either be completed online, or downloaded as a PDF file for later printing:

Complete the application form online.

 Download application form F-01 in a PDF format to complete by hand.