Free factsheet pack

Man studying from a bookOur most popular fact sheets are available in a free to reproduce PDF format for educational establishments, libraries, advice centres and other non-commercial organisations.

Included in the pack:

  • P-01 UK copyright law
    An easy to understand introduction to copyright law. Understand what types of work are protected, when copyright occurs, how long copyright lasts, what acts require permission.

  • P-03 Using copyright notices
    What is a copyright notice? Do you need one? How do you correctly word a copyright notice for your own work? This fact sheet has the answers.

  • P-27 Using the work of others
    If you are seeking to use other peoples work in your own publications, this fact sheet covers topics such as fair use, obtaining permission and licensing,

  • P-05 Copyright infringement
    If your work has been infringed, this fact sheet takes you though the typical course of action to pursue your claim and stop the infringement.

Download the free fact sheet pack.

The fact sheets are based on UK law, but the basic principals will apply to non-UK works and uses.

Creative Commons License Terms of use

The fact sheets included in the pack are issued subject to a Creative Commons License. They may be reproduced for non commercial, personal use and educational use

Any reproduction of the included factsheets is subject to the following terms of licence:

  1. Attribution  

    All copies, (or quoted passages) state: ‘Copyright © UK Copyright Service. Source:’.

  2. Non-commercial  

    Unless explicitly authorised in writing by a director of Copyright Witness Ltd, use by any commercial company is prohibited.

  3. No Derivative Works

    Any copies should remain intact. Do not adapt, transform or build upon this work.

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CC licenced fact sheets Fact sheets