Using Registered Notices

Fact sheet P-19

Issued: March 2006
Last amended: 5th December 2019
Fact sheet P-19: Using registered notices

A registered notice is simply a statement that your work is registered - this helps to deter copyright infringement. This fact sheet explains how to create registered notices and apply them to your work.

  1. Why are registered notices used?

    A statement that a work is registered is an important deterrent against copyright infringement and abuse of your work.
    Just as a copyright notice lets others know that your work is subject to copyright, a registered notice demonstrates that:

    • You are aware of your rights and take copyright seriously.
    • You have independent proof of both the date and content of your work to support your copyright claim.
    • The content of your work can be verified by an independent body.
    • You have secured independent evidence of your copyright claim.
  2. Do I have to add a registered notice to my work?

    No. Just like copyright notices, registered notices are optional. Sometimes it is even inappropriate to have a notice, (on a logo for example a notice can be over-powering and may distract from the brand). As a general rule however, placing a notice on your work can help to deter infringement and plagiarism of your work.

  3. What should my registered notice look like?

    The registration notice is just a simple statement that the work is registered. It is also common to include the registration number.

    The registration notice will look something like:
    "This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service"
    "This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service: Registration No:123456789"

    It is normal to include such a notice next to or just below the copyright notice. There are also a number of images and logos available from our copyright registration logo page.

    The complete notice wording for copyright and registration notices may therefore appear as:

    Copyright © 2019 Joe Smith. All rights reserved.

    This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service: Registration No:123456789

  4. Using UKCS images and logos

    A number of images are available which can be used as part of your registration notice, or to declare that your work is registered. Simply visit and select an image that suits your work.

  5. Registered notice labels

    You can also order self adhesive labels with registration notices for your work.

  6. Placing registered notices on your work

    Where you place a registered notice will depend greatly on the type of work.

    Typically, the statement that the work is registered would appear as a declaration next to, or directly below the copyright notice.

    As a basic rule, a notice does not need to be over-powering, but it should be apparent to anyone reading or using your work that the work is subject to copyright and that it is registered.

    The following are examples based on basic work types. Even if the type of work you have registered is not listed, they should at least provide a basis for your own notices.

    • Written work

      Song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, commercial documents, synopsis, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc.

      For books and manuscripts, the notices would normally be placed after the title, and before any actual content, (i.e. on the first page of a manuscript or inside the front cover of a book). The intention should be that the reader is presented with the notices before they actually start reading the content of your work.

      For single page works the copyright notice would typically be placed at the foot of the page with the registration statement next to it.

    • Software

      The copyright notice and registered notice should normally be placed within a 'Help' / 'About this software' option.

      When software is installed, it should typically mention copyright, and any conditions attached to the use of the software, as part of a terms and conditions agreement that the user accepts by pressing an ‘I accept’ (or similar) button during the installation process.

      If the software is distributed on CD, DVD, or other media, then it is normal for the notices to appear on the media itself as well as any inlay card, documentation or manuals.

    • Websites

      A copyright notice should appear on every page, so you may simply choose to include a registered notice after this, or, if you have a separate page that deals with copyright and other legal notices or disclaimers, you can include the registered notice there.

      If you wish, you can also include a link to our web site, so that visitors know what you are referring to.

    • Music

      Typically both the copyright and registered notice would appear on the accompanying sleeve or booklet. A copyright notice should also appear on the CD, cassette or LP itself.

    • Photographs and artistic works

      For printed items, place the notices at the bottom or on the reverse of the work.

      For digital images, you may choose to use photo editing software to place the notices on the images themselves, (typically this will appear in the bottom corner).

      For electronic images, it is also possible to include the copyright/contact details in the file properties. Under Windows for example, right clicking on a image will allow you to bring up the properties dialogue where you may enter details about the file, (though this will only work with certain file types). More typically, your image software will provide a way to insert comments into the file; this is preferred as such comments are harder to remove.

    • Films

      Place the notices on the DVD or video cassette, and also on any accompanying sleeve or booklet. It is normal to also place a copyright notice at the start or end of the film itself.